IFS-Inspired Coaching

Blending life coaching and the Internal Family Systems (IFS) Model

What Is IFS-Inspired Coaching?

My coaching practice is founded on the Internal Family Systems℠ (IFS) model.  IFS is an evidence-based, cutting-edge, powerfully healing psychological model developed by Dr. Richard Schwartz more than 30 years ago. Although its roots are in the world of psychotherapy, IFS is relevant to a wide circle of applications and can be a profound tool to “turbocharge” life coaching.  Learn more about the IFS model at the IFS Institute.

Using the model brought to life by Dr. Schwartz, I help clients recognize that we all have many different aspects, or parts, to our personality. However, most of us don't have proper control over these aspects of our personality, which causes us to react automatically to external situations in the outside world. Sometimes, our initial reactions are validated, and all is well. On the other hand, if these parts of our personality cause us to act rashly before thinking, or react in a childlike manner, the result could spell trouble.

A Kinder, Gentler Approach To Self-Awareness

Discovery Of The Self

It turns out there is a way to develop a positive relationship with these parts of our personality, so we can find out why they do what they do. By immersing ourselves in understanding, we can help heal any pain or vulnerability that might be fueling these undesirable internal reactions. Once we do that, we have the ability to deliberately choose how we want to respond, rather than just surrendering to a knee-jerk reaction that may cause a problematic domino effect.

Using the IFS Coaching Model, I help my clients quickly access a state called the Self, which is characterized by 8 distinct qualities, including calm, clarity, curiosity, and compassion. Once that internal state is achieved, clients are able to explore and transform their relationships with the parts that are blocking their goals or visions for the future. These parts may engage in inner conflict or carry burdensome beliefs, ultimately causing them to act out in ways that end up being unhelpful or even counterproductive. Through the IFS-Inspired Coaching Model, we learn that these actions, even those that are damaging, can manifest as thoughts, feelings, emotions, images, and more.

Nevertheless, all parts have good intentions and carry inherent value toward full-body wellness. Their roles can best be discovered by acknowledging them and developing a healthy relationship with them, rather than denying or resisting them. As parts receive support, they release their need to express in extreme ways, reverting to their preferred roles as positive, contributing aspects of our personality. As this happens, we become more balanced, and our inner system reaches an optimal state of cooperation and synergy. In turn, we are then able to control our personal and work lives from the state of self-leadership, which creates both harmony and intentional communication in our relationships.

How Is Internal Family Systems Applicable To Coaching?

Clients generally come to life coaching with specific goals in mind. But many times, those goals are blocked by sabotaging parts. Many times, coaching philosophies either ignore these parts completely, or try to “strong-arm” them into submission. The IFS Model suggests these sabotaging parts carry a positive intention, as well as wisdom, and that developing a relationship with them is the most self-compassionate and effective way to work toward your goals and achieve lasting success.

You’ll be amazed and empowered by this holistic approach to coaching.

I am not a therapist or medical doctor, and do not diagnose, prescribe, or treat mental health-related or medical conditions. Our coaching or hypnotherapy sessions are not a substitute for therapy or medical intervention. 

If you have been diagnosed or are in treatment for a mental health-related or medical condition, you are advised to continue with that treatment.